work with what I have got!

A Long time ago, I went with my husband to a large  art exhibition.(My husband is an artist) There were lots of artists there, many dealers and suppliers etc. One of the prominant groups was the “foot and mouth” painters, they were all doing just that, painting either with their…

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On days like these

Sometimes it is much easier to keep on talking about the positive side of recovery, rather than dwell on the difficulties. I try and think about the good bits most of the time, but occasionally the downside, the “defects” in me are evident, and I have to look at them.…

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Acts of Love

 Wednesday 1st August The older I get, the more into recovery I get, the more I am aware of one very striking fact! That is that the ONLY way to survive with dignity and self respect is to learn the tools for SELF empowerment!   Nobody is going to do…

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